AUTHENTIC document provides a rare
glimpse of the London-based conspiracy
to suppress free speech and research at
Educational Trust was
established by the Hon. Greville
Janner (now Lord Janner), Holocaust
historian Martin Gilbert, and
Fleet-street Solicitor Martin
the education of the public in
contemporary history, and in
particular education in the history
of European Jewry in the period up
to and including the Holocaust,"
November 1987, a year after the
War Crimes Group
-- with which it in fact shared a
telephone number -- was set up on
November 24, 1986.
the law clearly requires the Trust to
refrain from pursuing any purposes
"which are not exclusively charitable,"
in the terms of its deed, the H.E.T.
has repeatedly violated this condition.
On September 29, 1996 the Sunday Times
reported that Labour Party support for
a new Holocaust-denial law "follows an
all-party campaign by the London based
Holocaust Education Trust", which seems
hard to reconcile with the terms of its
registration by the Charity Commission.
The Charity Commissioners had to remind
the H.E.T. at least once in late 1996
of the responsibilities imposed on them
not to engage in activities of a
political nature, and those regarding
charitable expenditures.
meeting described in the minutes
reproduced above clearly violated
the Trust. Bludgeoning publishers
into silencing authors with
world-wide reputations can not be
called a "charitable" activity under
any construction of the words.
document was furnished to our Website
by a disaffected member of the Board's
staff, horrified at the
they were proposing to use to crush
opinions they opposed. More such
documents are already in our possession
as a result of libel and legal actions
pursued by Mr Irving against the
Deborah Lipstadt,
and Gitta Sereny,
and against the governments of
and Australia.
(These documents can for the most part
not be released until they come into
the public domain in a few months'
people were present at the committee
meeting than are listed at the head,
e.g. Ben Helfgott, the odious
chairman of the Board's Yad Vashem
Committee, who is quoted in para. 2.
Jewish Chronicle 1989]
Rosenberg was executive director,
Education Department.
Wistrich, left, who was to be
"approached," was author of
Apocalypse: Jews and the Nazi
(Weidenfeld). Wistrich, who teaches at
the Hebrew University, Jerusalem,
argues that Adolf Hitler had the
annihilation of the Jews as his primary
goal ever since 1919.
Helfgott is chairman of the Yad
Vashem Committee of the Board of
Deputies of British Jews and a member
of the Yad Vashem Educational and
Academic Sub-Committees. Helfgott is
the intellectual thug who in July 1992
led the intimidation of The Sunday
Times into violating its signed
contract with David Irving after
they published the sensational Goebbels
Diaries which he brought back from
Moscow a few weeks after this
"committee meeting".
under their onslaught, Andrew
Neil, editor in chief of the
newspaper, agreed not to pay Mr Irving
for the diaries (which the newspaper
nonetheless published); the newspaper
even agreed to run an immediate
four-page supplement on The Holocaust,
and to distribute it at its own expense
to British schools on behalf of the
Holocaust Educational Trust.
John Fox, an expert on the SS
and colleague of US historian
Richard Breitman, was editor of
The British Journal of Holocaust
Education, and lectures at Jews
College, London. He has stated
elsewhere his own recollection
of this disgraceful meeting, about
which he published a furious
in the Daily Telegraph in
(now Sir) Martin Gilbert,
one of the trustees of the Holocaust
Educational Trust, is the author of the
latter volumes of the official Winston
Churchill biography, and of diverse
published studies on the Holocaust.
David Cesarani is the loveable and
distinguished director of the Wiener
Library, the Jewish propaganda library
established in London during W.W.II
with British government funds (he wrote
in The Guardian that passing similar
laws for the suppression of free speech
to those passed in Germany would
"actually enhance" freedom of speech in
the U.K.)
Anthony Polonsky was one of those
who bravely opposed the proposal to
silence Mr Irving by these underhand
Coleman was Associate Director of
the Holocaust Educational Trust, and
represented that body on this
committee; the para. 6 reference
involving him is one more example of
the political nature of the H.E.T.
(notwithstanding that it is enjoined by
its charitable-trust deed from engaging
in any political activities).
chairman of the Trust, the Hon.
Greville Janner (now Lord
Janner) was evidently not present.