said in an interview on Army Radio
that there were no Mossad agents
operating in the United

October 3, 2002
official denies report that Mossad followed 9/11
By Agencies and Ha'aretz
ISRAELI ambassador to the U.S. Danny
Ayalon on Thursday rejected a report
published by the German newspaper Die
Zeit, according to which Israeli Mossad
agents tracked the perpetrators of the September
11 terror attacks for an extended period of
time, and passed over information on them to the
CIA and the U.S. administration.
Ayalon said in an
interview on Army Radio that there were no
Mossad agents operating in the United
According to the Die Zeit report,
which is to be published Friday, the CIA ignored
the information on the terrorists and deported
the Mossad agents.
The agents rented an apartment in Florida in
December 2000, close to the apartments of
Mohammed Atta and Marwan al
Shehhi, both of whom were aboard the planes
that crashed into the World Trade Center.
According to the paper, the agents followed
Atta and al Shehhi, discovered that they were
taking flying lessons at the Florida Airman
flight school and passed the information on to
the U.S. administration.
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