David Irving's Fight against Australian Suppression of Free Speech

David Irving writes to Minister Philip Ruddock

August 24, 2001


Right: Philip Ruddock

Mr Ruddock

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London, August 24, 2001

Dear Mr Ruddock,

I enclose a properly completed visitor's visa application. Please pass this to your appropriate office with a recommendation that on this occasion my application be granted. The facts are well known to your office. Churchill’s War, vol. i I wish to visit Australia for three weeks at the beginning of 2002 to promote the publication of the book which I have also mailed to you by separate mail, Churchill's War, vol. ii. You may recall that when vol. i was published in West Australia in 1987 it became the Number 1 best-seller in your country for several weeks.

2.    Although my daughter is now an Australian citizen and a civil servant in Brisbane, I do not intend to rely at this stage on this close family relationship with an Australian citizen in making this application, in order not to complicate the issue for your administration. The cheque which I attach is blank, as your website does not reveal the applicable application fee.

David Irving

Related items on this website:

Minister Philip Ruddock's prevaricating response | Mr Irving writes again, October 24, 2001
Legal and other documents relating to Mr Irving's earlier applications for a visa
ABC Radio broadcast on government's likely attitude, February 2000, excerpt | full text

Wait a cotton-pickin' minute. . .

. . . David Irving has never written a book or article about the "Holocaust", a subject which he -- like millions of others -- finds to be quite boring.

Write to the Minister : Philip Ruddock MP, Suite MF 40, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600. You will NOT assist Mr Irving if you use intemperate language. You can fax Mr Ruddock at (+61 2) 6273 4144

© Focal Point 2001 David Irving