Hon. Philip Ruddock
MP Minister
for Immigration and Multicultural
Affairs Minister for Reconciliation
and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Affairs | ![[Crest]](AustraliaCrest.GIF) | Parliament
House, Canberra ACT 2600 Telephone:
(02) 6277 7860 Facsimile: (02) 6273 4144 |
-- 4 Oct 2001
- Mr David Irving
- 81 Duke Street
- London W1K 5PE
Dear Mr Irving
Thank you for your letter of 23 August 2001 concerning
your wish to visit Australia in early 2002, and your
enclosed visa application form and cheque.
As you are aware, all non-citizens who wish to enter
and remain in Australia must make applications for the
appropriate visas. Each application is considered against
the legal requirements of the Migration Act 1958
(the Act) and Migration Regulations.
Section 46 of the Act outlines the requirements for a
visa application to be valid. One of these requirements
is that any fees payable in respect of the application
under the Migration Regulations have been paid. As the
cheque you enclosed with your visa application form did
not specify the correct visa application fee, your
application is invalid. Therefore, I am returning your
visa application form and cheque to you.
You are entitled to make further visa applications if
you wish and any future applications will be considered
on their merits and against all relevant legal
requirements. For your information, I have enclosed a
copy of form 990i Charges -- July 2001. For
further information, please contact the Australian High
Commission in London. Any future visa applications,
including the required visa application fee, should be
lodged at any Australian mission.
Thank you for writing on this matter, I trust this
information is of assistance.
Yours Sincerely

Philip Ruddock