David Irving's Fight against Australian Suppression of Free Speech

David Irving offers assurances to Australia 

July 31, 1997

David Irving

David Irving after challenging prime minister John Howard in London on October 23, 1997.

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Dear Mr Metcalfe,

MAY I first say how sorry I was about the problems caused by the unwelcome visit of Mr Ervin; it does seem to illustrate how topsy-turvey your laws are, that a convicted hijacker is allowed to visit, while a respected historian is kept out!

2. The purpose of this letter is exploratory. I have, as you already know, no desire to embarrass your administration, and I will not make this letter or your reply public in any way.

3. My presence has been formally requested by Frederick Toben as a witness before the hearing of your Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, which is hearing a complaint against him. I am familiar with both Mr Toben and the work which he is doing, and I believe I can contribute fairly and impartially to justice being done in this affair.

4. I would like to honour Mr Toben's request and appear as a witness. To do so, I must obtain a visitor's visa. If granted this visa, I would stay only for as long as needed to appear as a witness, I would not engage in any other kind of activities whatever, and I would leave your country on the following day at the latest.

5. After discussion with your minister and colleagues, please inform me whether I should now apply for a visa in the normal way.

 David Irving

To: Mr Andrew Metcalfe
Australian Minister of Immigration &c &c
- Benjamin Offices -
Chan St Belconnen
A.C.T. 2617


© Focal Point 1999 David Irving