1977, on American television, and then again in the David
Frost British television programme in June 1977, when
Hitler's War was first published, David Irving
offered one thousand U.S. dollars to any person finding a
wartime document showing explicitly that Adolf Hitler
knew about the mass liquidation of Western Europe's Jews.
This Website is proud to repeat this offer today. ("How
undignified," exclaimed Professor A.J.P. Taylor in
1979, when told of the irritating reward offer.)
This is a genuine competition. The document must be of
German origin (Allied code-breaking intercepts will be
accepted); it must be submitted to Focal Point Publications
(click F at bottom of page for the address); it must
be submitted as a clear photocopy of the original, with
proof ot its provenance (archives, etc). "Wartime" refers to
the years September 1, 1939--May 8, 1945. The reference must
be explicit, and not depend upon clever translations, or
fancy interpretations, or reading-between-the-lines. We
shall keep our visitors informed of submissions at this
page. ©Focal
Point 1998
to David Irving |