The International Campaign for Real History

We have received from Australian Michael Mills this interesting comment on Ghetto regulations

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AN EXTRACT from the ordinance issued on 3 March 1941, by the Governor of Krakow District, Wächter, setting up a Jewish residential district in the city of Krakow (printed in "Faschismus - Getto - Massenmord", p.119).

Paragraph 9 reads:

"Juden, denen das Verlassen ihres Wohnbezirkes gestattet ist, müssen sich durch eine besondere Bescheinigung, in der auch der Nachweis über erfolgte Entlausung geführt ist, ausweisen. Dieser Ausweis wird vom Stadthauptmann Krakau ausgegeben".

This regulation shows that Jews were allowed to leave the closed Jewish residential area, but only after undergoing a delousing process. It does not make clear what the process was, or who carried it out. There are other documents in this book that show that the Jewish administrations of "ghettos" maintained delousing facilities within their residential areas, so the delousing referred to may have been carried by the Jewish authorities, or by the German.

The date of the ordinance is well before there was any hint of extermination of the inhabitants, according the orthodox account, so there is no way that "Entlausung' could be a euphemism for gassing in this case.

Michael Mills

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